Tomorrow are election in Germany, and Gerhardx Schroeder is widely expected to lose to CDU-leader Angela Merkel. In its deperation, Schroeder's campaign is plumbing previously unfathomed depths.
Somewhat more benign are comparisons to Margaret Thatcher --- both women politicians running on conservative tickets, both of fairly humble middle-class origins (Thatcher's a grocer's daughter, Merkel a parson's daughter ["een domineesdochter"]), both pro-market (although I think Merkel is well to the "left" of Thatcher in this), both Atlanticists --- and both with degrees in physical chemistry. (Maggie did some research in crystallography, Angela in quantum chemistry.)
Everything I've read about her so far makes me like what I read. Here's wishing G-dspeed to Angela.
I am very optimistic and hopeful that "Angie" will emerge victorious in this election. Germany is a wonderful country, and deserves much better than Schroeder has given her.
As for my own country, I would very much like to see Germany and the U.S. mend fences and revive their friendship - I believe that Ms. Merkel is just the one to do that.
Posted by: Timmer ~ Righting America | September 18, 2005 at 12:20 PM